Where Did They Go?

George P Thomas

This video is about a group of extinct hominins called Paranthropus.

The video starts by acknowledging that people are often curious about how things could have been different in the past, and then uses the example of Paranthropus as a way to explore this concept. Paranthropus lived alongside our ancestors for millions of years, and even though they shared some similar features, they ultimately went extinct while our ancestors went on to thrive.

The video discusses the physical characteristics of Paranthropus, including their wide cheekbones, massive back teeth, and upright walking posture. It also details the different species of Paranthropus that have been discovered, including Paranthropus robustus, Paranthropus boisei, and Paranthropus ethiopicus.

The researchers believe that Paranthropus specialized in eating tough foods, while our ancestors were more generalist feeders. This difference in diet may have contributed to the extinction of Paranthropus, as they were more vulnerable to changes in the environment that affected their food sources.

The video concludes by emphasizing that the story of human evolution is not inevitable, and that things could have easily turned out differently. The existence of Paranthropus is a reminder that many other evolutionary paths were possible, and that our own success may be due in part to luck.