How To Make Kururin Rolling Sticks

Josh Welch

Kururin rolling stickKururin rolling sticks are a Japanese desktop game that can be played in many different ways to improve hand-eye coordination, challenge your creativity or they can just be used as a fidget toy. 

The game uses wooden "rolling sticks" that have foam covered or rubberized ends and can contain weights. 

If you have a wood lathe, drill press and a good sander then you can make your own Kururin rolling sticks with just a few supplies. 

This video demonstrates a couple of ways to make these fun and challenging toys, one using the traditional solid maple and the other is weighted on the ends. 

Even if you don't have the tools or skills to make your own, this video is still very interesting and fun to watch! 

Let us know what you think about the Kururin rolling sticks or the video in the comments below!